We have 17 participating members so far. I would love maximum participation and if you’re interested and haven’t yet signed up, let me know. I’ll add you to the list.
The pages are yours to design as you wish, but please respect these few simple rules.
- Each participant gets 4 pages.
- Please move in a linear fashion through the book—your pages begin where the previous person’s ended.
- Scattered throughout the book are “community pages”. They will be marked as such. Feel free to make a contribution to these areas.
- There will be a “comments section” near the back of the book. Leave your thoughts on the project and others contributions here. NO RUDE COMMENTS!
- You can keep the book for 12 days. Make sure you return it to me by the due date. Others will be waiting.
- Have Fun!
I can't wait for my turn with the traveling sketchbook. I was on Madhouse's website at the start of the fall quarter and saw their rendition of the traveling sketchbook and thought that was a great idea. In preparation of my turn I have been doodling and ripping up magazines ever since the GDSG meet and greet (my boyfriend and family members are upset that magazines are missing from their houses). I look forward to seeing everybody’s expressions of design. This is a wonderful idea Holly, on our first project.
Thank you
Let'z Doooooo iiiiT!
Who has the book now?
I am kinda nervous about the sketchbook experiment. I have always been overly critical of my designs and still am but I hope this will give me the confidence I need to be more creative in my designs
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