Thursday, May 28, 2009

Creative Briefcase - Great Price

$35 for one year! Seems great to me. It's a special rate and will increase once their membership is increased. So if this is what you need. Get it now. Here's a description from their website:

You can take years bumping along the runway trying to get your Graphic Design business off the ground, but that’s the hard way to succeed, and there are no guarantees that you’ll succeed in the end.

But there’s an easy way too – Creative Briefcase. Our step by step instructions are developed by world renowned Business Consultants and Graphic Design experts, and they’ll put your business in overdrive and blow past the feast and famine cycle.

  • Existing Graphic Designers – If you’ve been in the Graphic Design business for years and just want to streamline your business model, Creative Briefcase will so vastly exceed your expectations that you won’t believe it. You’ll find yourself literally overwhelmed by the sheer volume of first class information, including advice by world famous consultants and experts – professionals who have been exactly where you are now and know how to leave your all your problems in the dust. You’ll even solve problems you didn’t know you had!

  • New Graphic Designers – If you’re just getting into the Graphic Design business, congratulations – Creative Briefcase is about to show you how to skip years of heartache and lost profit and launch your business in overdrive, blowing past competitors who have been stumbling around for years. Our professionals will give you all the tools and plans you’ll need to set up a wildly successful Graphic Design Business from scratch, and all the advice you’ll need at every step for years of business building to come

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