Giveaway #1I hesitate to label this giveaway #1 for the off chance that I am unable to get more goodies for all of you. This could be the only giveaway, so make sure you get your name in to win!

I'm giving away a copy of
Exploring Dreamweaver 8.
The drawing will take place December 10th. To be in the running for a copy of this book, just
leave a comment on this post by 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, December 9th. Not just any old comment. Let me know what topics/workshops/etc. you would like to see addressed here on the blog or in our meetings. Any active GDSG member who leaves a comment will be eligible. The first member who leaves a comment correctly stating why I titled this post the way I did will get an extra entry.
Get your comments in and good luck!
Silly Holly! I know...and you know I know! So, I'll let someone else answer.
Ugh, Gary Wright wrote the song "Dream Weaver," which was also the title of his album that went multi-platinum (and apparently the highlight of the man's career... Thank you, Google).
Anyway, I would like to see a topic that brings up some useful tools for us up-and-coming graphic designers, such as helpful websites. We could maybe contribute more of our own in the comments.
It would also be nice to see a blog updating us on new releases of design software, where if we have had the pleasure to use it, we could give a little critique and let others in on the new features.
Sigh, and I forgot to type in my nickname. Previous anonymous user was Alyssa. Guh.
I would love to see aleast a couple of round table discussions with an established designer such as the one we had last year. I found that to be very insightful and helped to answer a lot of questions I had about the design career I have chosen. I also would love to see a open discussion with the group and instructors on the topic of what resources work best for them and where to find them, i.e. journals, magazines, pictures Web sights.
by the way Holly "Dream Weaver" is a song I use to dance to in the clubs. Man am I getting old and thanks for reminding me, Ho HO HO
1. Dream Weaver is not a very easy song to dance to.
2. Don at a club is also an amusing thought.
I am actually excited to be in the group this time around. Last year I had to work all the time. I am loving the ideas Holly is throwing at us and can't wait to participate! -rDuB out-
I feel that discussion of design solutions of finished works, significant articles, and personal design challenges would help tons.
Online chats would be cool.
... also mini projects!
That's all.
Looks like I'm going to be first and last with making a comment. froze on my first comment (made just 10 minutes after Holly posted the original message). I'm just getting back. The Gary Wright reference refers to the 1992 re-recording of "Dream Weaver". There's also a reference to "cue Gary Wright" on the WOWAce forum. I'm including it, just in case...
Here's the link:
I agree with most of the suggestions regarding group activities. I'd like to see workshops like the one we did last year, painting water colors on a grayscale photo. I also like the idea of discussions.
See everybody on Monday :)
I'd love to have a contest within the group to design something to be sold at the bookstore.
Oo-oo, Alyssa, you bright little crayon you, love the helpful websites idea.
rDub, I agree with, both, points one and two.
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